Past Performances


Got Talent? If so…we will try to “book “your talent at local festivals and other performance & entertainment venues! Plus we will send your performance DVD out to other Talent Agencies Canadian & American in order to peak interest!! !! We offer no guarantee for Event Bookings …just assistance in promoting your talent!


Some Past Top Entertainment Events include:

  • Countryfest 2005
  • 5 ½ hour event
  • Blues Brothers
  • 2 hours
  • Eagles Tribute
  • 2 hour event
  • Comedy Extravaganza
  • 3 hours


  • Beverley Mahood
  • Aaron Pritchett
  • Lisa Brokop
  • Gil Grand
  • Eagles Tribute
  • Blues Bros


  • Eric O’Shea
  • Mark Crocker
  • Tommy Savitt
  • Steve Hofstetter
  • Talent Showcase Artists::
  • Alexandria Maillot
  • Amanda Maillot


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